Section 7. Faculty Handbook Language Subcommittee


At the beginning of each academic year, the chair of Academic Council will select three members of Academic Council to serve on the Faculty Handbook Language Subcommittee. The chair of Academic Council will appoint one of the three members to serve as chair of the subcommittee.

In order to help Academic Council fulfill its role (stipulated in Article 13. Section 2) in bringing proposed Faculty Handbook bylaw changes to the faculty for consideration and to help Academic Council fulfill its responsibility (stipulated in Article 6. Section 3) to approve or disapprove non-bylaw changes to the Faculty Handbook, the Faculty Handbook Language Subcommittee will act in an editorial and advisory capacity in performing the following duties.

  • Receive and organize proposed Faculty Handbook changes from standing committees, working groups, task forces and other concerned individuals or constituencies. Typically, proposals will be submitted at the beginning of fall and spring semesters.
  • Review and provide feedback to those proposing handbook changes in terms of clarity of the proposed language, the rationale for the proposed changes, and any clerical issues. In providing feedback, the committee will avoid endorsing or attempting to block handbook language that is being proposed.
  • Work with the chair of Academic Council to schedule a time for the proposer of the language to present the proposal to Academic Council.
  • Work with the proposer of the language to provide the chair of Academic Council with the proposed language for inclusion in upcoming meeting materials.
  • At end of the academic year, provide the Provost's Office with electronic copies of all approved Faculty Handbook language changes for inclusion in the following year's Faculty Handbook at which time the changes will take effect.
  • Additionally, the committee will regularly review the Faculty Handbook bylaws and non-bylaws. And, as the committee considers appropriate, propose changes to Academic Council for consideration.