Section 12. Faculty Research and Development Committee


For procedures, policies, and the names of current members, refer to Faculty Research and Development Committee Section.


  • Teaching faculty members elected for two-year terms. In odd numbered years one member will be elected from each of the divisions and schools, except the Law School. Four at-large members will be elected in even numbered years. The committee will elect annually in May a chair from among these teaching faculty members.
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or his/her designee
  • Director of Sponsored Programs, without vote
  • Faculty of the Law School are excluded from service on this committee


  • To develop and recommend to the President policy regarding faculty development
  • To help monitor the effectiveness of such policies
  • To plan and help coordinate workshops, seminars, or other individual proposals related to faculty development
  • To devise criteria for the administration and evaluation of individual proposals related to faculty development
  • To receive, evaluate, and approve such proposals
  • To receive, study, and evaluate proposals for research and advanced study submitted by members of the faculty, and approve those proposals which, in the judgment of the committee, should receive financial assistance
  • To receive, study, and evaluate requests for sabbatical leaves and approve those requests that, in the judgment of the committee, should be granted
  • To form a subcommittee, composed of teaching faculty from both the FR&D Committee and the broader University, to select the recipient of Elon’s Distinguished Scholar Award
  • None of the above duties will apply to the Law School.