Section 5. Operating Procedures for Standing Committees


Standing committees will agree on procedures for carrying out their duties, including their method of reporting to the faculty and Academic Council, and will publish these procedures as information in the Faculty Handbook.

  • Administrative officers are responsible for insuring that necessary information and clerical assistance are provided to the committees.
  • Standing committees will furnish Academic Council with regular, written, and substantive reports of their activities.
  • Standing committee members who have concerns about the degree of participation in decision-making on issues falling within their purview should report those concerns to Academic Council.
  • Standing committee chairs will communicate with the chairs of other standing committees as appropriate on issues of shared concern.
  • When standing committees are considering a motion of relevance to a School or College division and do not currently have a member from that School or College division, the standing committee chair should contact the Chair of Committee on Committees to facilitate discussion with Academic Council members representing that School or College division.
  • All motions will be decided by a majority (more than one half) of the legal votes cast unless otherwise specified. Legal votes are defined as votes cast by eligible voters. Abstentions are not included in the legal vote count as a member who voluntarily abstains from voting gives up their vote.