

  1. Initiates position request to Dean following departmental consultation
  2. Works with Dean and department to define position and establish criteria for the evaluation of candidates
  3. Organizes and coordinates search committee
  4. The department chair and the chair of the search committee should attend one of the available search chair training sessions offered in Human Resources (HR) or use the resources provided in HR on hiring to ensure best practices in conducting a search
  5. Organizes preliminary reference calls
  6. Consults with department about final candidates
  7. Recommends to Dean candidates to visit campus
  8. Organizes candidate visits (with search committee chair)
  9. Conducts formal interview with candidates
  10. Supervises collection of supporting documents and makes them available to members of the department
  11. Confers with department regarding candidates and recommends final candidate to Dean. If Chair’s recommendation differs from the department’s, this information is shared with the department and Dean.
  12. Coordinates letters to inform candidates of status of the search
  13. Provides support to successful candidate (information about the area, housing, book orders, etc.)