Attendance in the Clinical Phase

  • Students normally report to rotations on the first Monday of each rotation block and work until the last Thursday for core rotations and the last Friday for elective rotations unless directed to do otherwise by the DPAS Clinical Education team. (see Academic Calendar on the PA Program Website under Student Resources).
  • The preceptor will set the rotation schedule, including daily routine, night call, and days off. Students are expected to clarify all schedule issues with the preceptor by the first day of rotation.
    1. The DPAS adheres to the “80-Hour Work Rule” and expects clinical sites to respect that rule. While most work weeks will typically be 40-50 hours, students may work up to a maximum of 80 hours per week.
    2. Call schedules are to be followed as the service specifies. On-call experience should fulfill an educational function and not a site staffing need. It should not be excessive. If a problem exists, the Director of Clinical Education should be contacted for clarification. Call is usually no more frequent than every 4th night.

    Unexcused absences from clinical rotations will not be tolerated. Any student who has an unexcused absence may be brought before the Academic and Professional Progress Committee.

    1. Except for emergencies, requests via e-mail should be made to the Director of Clinical Education prior to the absence. In the event of an emergency, the Director of Clinical Education and preceptor must be notified immediately. A written explanation (via-email) must be made to the Clinical Education Team within 24 hours of the absence. If more than two days are missed during any rotation, the student may be required to repeat the rotation, which would delay graduation.
    2. Unexcused absences include leaving early or coming in late for personal business, appointments, etc.

    Excused/Approved absences should be limited in the clinical year to limit disruptions in training

    1. Students may have up to 5 planned personal days/absences in the clinical education phase (all year). The purpose of these days is to allow students to handle personal business, medical appointments, job interviews, self-care, and other personal needs.
    2. Students may take no more than 2 planned absences in any one clinical rotation.
    3. These days are “all or none.” Students cannot take 2 hours one day and 4 hours another, etc.
    4. Students who must have planned time off from a clinical rotation utilizing personal days must first obtain approval from the Director of Clinical Education and preceptor for that rotation.
      1. Official approval is obtained by completing a Manage Leave Absence Request, available on Exxat, and submitting it to the Director of Clinical Education for review and final approval.
      2. Absences must be requested at least 2 weeks in advance and be approved by the Director of Clinical Education and the preceptor for the rotation.
      3. Students may not request absences on days during Call Back Weeks or when exams, including OSCEs or simulations, are schedule.
  • Absence from rotation because of acute illness also requires an approval process.
    1. The student should notify their preceptor and the Clinical Education Team as soon as possible
    2. Before returning to rotation, a Manage Leave Absence Request is completed in Exxat and submitted as outlined above.
    3. Medical documentation of the illness by the student’s personal physician may be required at the discretion of the Director of Clinical Education, Program Director, or Academic & Professional Progress Committee (APPC).
  • Extended Leave of Absence.
    1. If an acute medical illness or other situation causes a student to miss more than 2 days from a clinical rotation, the student should reach out to the Director of Clinical Education to have a discussion regarding options which may include a leave of absence from the program.
    2. The procedure for requesting an extended leave of absence is provided here.
  • Friends or family members are prohibited from contacting the DPAS, Clinical Education Team, preceptors, or rotation sites on a student’s behalf. ONLY students or DPAS personnel are permitted to make phone calls to or visit rotation sites. Any contact of preceptors or their office staff by friends or family members regarding the student’s scheduling, rotation requests, or rotations in general will be considered the responsibility of the student and may be subject to disciplinary action from the APPC.
  • In emergency situations, if family members are unable to reach students by personal phone calls, they should contact the DPAS Clinical Education Team, who will either call the students at the rotation site or give instructions to expedite contact.
  • According to University policy, students are not exempt from jury duty, although they can ask the Director of Clinical Education to request a deferral until they have finished the program. Any clinical time missed will be made up at a time convenient for the preceptor and coordinated with the DPAS Clinical Education Team.

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