Clinical Rotations and Expectations

The clinical phase of physician assistant education is one in which a certain degree of variability is expected and anticipated in the education of the student.  However, there are expectations and responsibilities for students, preceptors, and the PA program.

Student Responsibilities:

  • To report to the clinical site on time ready to learn and work with the preceptor
  • To act professionally in the clinical setting including wearing a nametag and dressing appropriately
  • To accrue the minimum number of clinical hours (>= 36 hours/week) required by the program and to be sensitive to the schedule of the clinical site
  • To be sensitive to the comfort of the patients and their willingness to be seen and evaluated by the student
  • To follow the rules and regulations of the clinical sites
  • To successfully complete the requirements of the rotation outlined in the course syllabus
  • To actively pursue opportunities for enhanced, engaged learning
  • To review expectations and objectives of the rotation with the preceptor
  • To use data related to personal performance (exam scores, review material performance, feedback from preceptors, faculty, and staff) to develop goals and action plans for self-improvement

Preceptor Responsibilities:

  • To create an environment for learning committed to inclusivity and attentive to concerns related to personal safety (i.e., free from harassment, bullying)
  • To provide an appropriate clinical environment and a variety of patient encounters necessary for a productive learning experience
  • To provide a minimum number of clinical hours (>= 36 hours/week) to attend and participate in clinical activities at the rotation site. During this time the preceptor must be available for supervision, consultation, and teaching, or designate an alternate preceptor.
  • To acquaint students at the onset of the rotation with the practice/site policies and procedures and review the expectations and objectives for the rotation
  • To supervise, demonstrate, teach, and observe clinical activities in order to aid in the development of clinical skills and to ensure proper patient care; to delegate increasing levels of responsibility for clinical assessment and management as skills develop
  • To provide ongoing feedback regarding clinical performance to the student and PA program through mid-rotation feedback, confirmation of skills acquisition (longitudinal skills assessment sign off) and timely completion of final preceptor evaluations
  • To promptly notify the PA Program of any circumstances or situations that might interfere with the accomplishment of the above goals or diminish the overall training experience
  • To ensure students are not used as a substitute for clinical or administrative staff during their supervised clinical practice experience
  • To  serve as a role model for the students by demonstrating an ethical approach to the care of patients
  • To demonstrate cultural humility in all interactions with patients, families, health care teams and systems

Program Responsibilities:

  • To recruit and retain clinical sites for students
  • To generate placements for students in sites that agree host to students
  • To ensure onboarding requirements are understood and communication to students
  • To orient preceptors and students to the policies and procedures of the clinical year
  • To prepare students academically and clinically for the clinical phase of their education
  • To forward to the preceptor in a timely manner information regarding students being precepted, including any documentation they may require
  • To inform the preceptor of rotation objectives and supply student evaluation materials
  • To serve as a resource in developing quality rotation sites and to facilitate the introduction of the PA role to the community, in general, and the medical community, specifically
  • To respond to questions and concerns from the preceptor or student in a timely manner
  • To maintain close contact with the preceptor in an attempt to anticipate problems before they arise

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