Athletics Committee


Membership List

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 9.)


  • Director of Athletics, ex officio, without vote
  • Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Administration Compliance and Campus Relations, ex officio, without vote
  • Associate Athletics Director/Senior Woman Administrator, ex officio, without vote
  • Assistant Athletics Director/Director for Academic Support Services, ex officio, without vote
  • Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR), appointed by the University President, with vote
  • Six faculty members elected for three-year term, all with vote. Elections occur in three-year cycles:

Year One

    • One member from the School of Communications
    • One member from the College of Arts and Sciences

Year Two

    • One member from the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
    • One member from the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education

Year Three

    • One member from the College of Arts and Sciences
    • One at-large member

The committee will elect a Chair in May from among these members.

  • Two student members including one student representative appointed by the President of the Student Government Association, with vote, and the President of the Elon University Student Athletic Advisory Council or his/her designated appointee from the SAAC Executive Committee, with vote.


  • To oversee the intercollegiate athletics program and make recommendations about its academic and fiscal integrity; gender equity, diversity and student athlete welfare; and athletics governance
  • To monitor adherence to approved Athletics Department gender equity and diversity plans
  • To serve as a liaison and provide faculty oversight of intercollegiate athletics and to report annually to Academic Council
  • To review and recommend guidelines regarding participation in and scheduling of intercollegiate athletics contests
  • To review and recommend general institutional guidelines for awarding, reducing, and terminating grants-in-aid
  • To review and make recommendations regarding the University’s athletics conference and to advise the Faculty Athletics Representative concerning institutional positions on NCAA and conference legislative matters
  • To review annually the Athletics Department’s progress toward meeting its established priorities and to advise the Athletics Director regarding priorities

Information for the Athletics Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The Athletics Committee provides oversight of the University’s athletics program, advises the President and Athletics Director in athletics governance, serves as a liaison to the faculty, and supports NCAA and conference rules compliance.

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee acts for the faculty in overseeing the intercollegiate athletics program.
  • The committee considers matters related to NCAA and the University’s athletics conference and confers with the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) about institutional positions on particular legislative concerns.
  • The committee recommends guidelines for scheduling intercollegiate contests.
  • The committee recommends general institutional guidelines for awarding, reducing, and terminating athletics grants-in-aid.
  • The committee monitors adherence to approved Athletics Department gender equity and diversity plans.
  • The FAR represents the committee as one of four official University delegates to the NCAA and the University’s athletics conference.
  • The committee advises the President on athletics issues upon request.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

Minutes of all meetings are submitted to Academic Council.