Student Life Committee


Membership List

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 20.)


  • Four faculty members, serving two-year terms with two elected each year. The committee will elect annually a Chair from among these four faculty members.
  • Four student members appointed to two-year terms by the President of the Student Government Association. Student membership should reflect the variety of experiences and perspectives found in the student body. The committee will elect annually a Vice Chair from the student members.
  • Vice President for Student Life, ex officio. The Dean will serve as Secretary to the committee.
  • President of the Student Government Association, ex officio
  • Director of Student Activities


  • To advise and assist the Vice President for Student Life and Student Organizations
  • To review extracurricular student activities and organizations periodically
  • To recommend changes in policy and procedures affecting student life to the faculty and/or administration of the University
  • To recommend to the Vice President for Student Life the bylaws of all new student organizations
  • To promote more effective communication among the several campus constituencies in connection with student development and/or student life

Information for the Student Life Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Student extracurricular activities and organizations
  • Policies and procedures affecting student life
  • Communication among the student body, faculty and administration

Policies and Procedures

  • The newly elected faculty members and newly elected SGA President will meet with the returning members of the committee in the spring to discuss appointment of new student members and to elect a Faculty Chair. One of the student members will serve as Vice-Chair.
  • The Chair establishes the agenda in consultation with the Vice President for Student Life.
  • The committee meets regularly to advise the Vice President for Student Life and Student Government President.
  • The committee reviews the by-laws of new student organizations and makes recommendations to the Vice President for Student Life concerning recognition of such groups.
  • The committee reviews all major changes in rules and regulations affecting the extracurricular life of students and proposes new or revised rules and regulations to the faculty and/or administration for approval.
  • The committee may elect to review the activities of existing student organizations toward the end of making recommendations for revision or improvement.
  • Periodically the committee expands its membership and serves as an open forum so as to expedite communication among the members of the student body, the faculty, staff, and administration. When it does this, it promotes the discussion of ideas, opportunities, programs, and complaints and recommends studies to appropriate agencies, offices, or people.
  • The Vice-Chair of the committee serves as Secretary of the committee and keeps records of the meetings.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.