Library Committee


Membership List

Bylaws Information

(Information in italics below is repeated from the Faculty Bylaws Article VIII, Section 16.)


  • Dean of the Carol Grotnes Belk Library
  • Six at-large teaching faculty members, three elected each year for a two-year term. Annually in May, the committee will elect a Chair from among these six teaching faculty members
  • Two student members elected for a one-year term
  • Associate Dean for Library and Information Services for the Law School or his/her designee, without vote


  • To serve as a liaison committee between the faculty, the students, and the librarian and to discuss administrative matters pertaining to the library and make recommendations for the best possible library services
  • To develop and recommend policy with regard to t he library and library services
  • To make recommendations regarding improvement, extension, and development of the services and facilities of the library

Information for the Library Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

The committee is concerned with the University library, student use of the facilities and materials, and the development of the collection of materials contained in the facilities.

Policies and Procedures

  • The committee meets annually to consider and approve the allocation to the academic departments of funds appropriated for the acquisition of library materials.
  • All decisions of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.
  • The committee elects annually in May its Chair from among the full-time teaching faculty members on the committee.
  • The committee meets regularly to discuss existing and proposed public service policies and make recommendations regarding those policies to the Dean of the Carol Grotnes Belk Library.
  • The committee evaluates special needs for materials to support new or existing courses or programs and makes recommendations regarding the appropriation of acquisition funds to meet those needs.
  • The committee evaluates specific needs of the library and makes recommendations regarding those needs to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

  • The committee Chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.
  • Copies of committee actions on the appropriation of funds will be mailed to Department Chairs shortly after they have been approved.