Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review


Unit I

Each faculty member will write a summary and review of his/her activities and accomplishments during the previous 12 months and submit it to the Chair by December 31 for inclusion into the faculty personnel file which can be accessed by the Dean and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Information in the Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review will be used by the Chair, Dean, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs in personnel decisions, including decisions on salary and merit. Information will also be available to members of the Promotions and Tenure Committee for their personnel deliberations.

The Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review should be guided by the Criteria for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty that relate to the faculty member’s appointment type. Faculty members are encouraged to be clear and concise in their self-evaluation statements, and critical self-assessment should be goal-driven and evidence-based.

More than a listing of activities, the Teaching Faculty Member’s Annual Self-Review should build a narrative showing how accomplishments relate to the faculty member’s professional plans and goals. Materials that may accompany this narrative include letters of commendation, reprints of articles, descriptions of new courses, comments from the Students Perception of Teaching or Students Evaluation of Teaching, etc.