Experiential Education Advisory Committee


Membership List Y22N.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Experiential Education Advisory Committee defines, implements and assesses common goals and standards for experiential education and the Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR) at Elon.


  • Provost/Executive Vice President, or designee
  • Vice President for Student Life, or designee
  • Professional Staff and Faculty Directors for each of the ELR programs:
    • Undergraduate Research
    • Leadership
    • Study Abroad/Study USA
    • Service Learning
    • Internships
  • Faculty Fellows for each of the ELR programs:
    • Service Learning
    • Leadership
    • Internships
    • Study Abroad
  • Director of Elon Core Curriculum, or designee
  • Administrator for the Elon Engagement Scholarship

Policies and Procedures

  • Committee meets regularly as convened by the Chair to meet the responsibilities of the committee.
  • All recommendations of the committee are made through normal parliamentary procedures and a majority vote of the members present. A quorum will consist of a majority of the committee membership.
  • All recommendations by the Experiential Education Advisory Committee related to the ELR are forwarded to the Elon Core Curriculum Council.


  • To coordinate and deepen the curricular and co-curricular connections for those experiences that satisfy the Experiential Learning Requirement
  • To identify commonalities among the ELR processes that are characteristic of excellent practices in experiential learning
  • To consider proposals for additional experiences that would potentially satisfy the ELR
  • To monitor, assess and further develop learning objectives established for the ELR
  • To serve as the umbrella organization for each of the Elon experiences and to assist in the program development, research, and overall assessment of the Elon experiences
  • To promote faculty and staff development opportunities regarding best practices in experiential education
  • To cultivate institutional culture around experiential learning