Student Communications Media Board


Membership List Y25H.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Student Communications Media Board is concerned with overseeing all aspects of the operation of University-approved student communications media.


  • Three full-time permanent teaching faculty members or support staff with faculty rank appointed for two-year terms by the Provost/Executive Vice President in alternate years. One faculty member will be appointed from the School of Communications. No more than two faculty members will be appointed from any single department. Faculty advisors to the media are ineligible.
  • Three student members appointed for two-year terms by the President of the Student Government Association and approved by the SGA Senate in alternate years. One of the three student members will serve as a representative to the SGA, and that student will be from the School of Communications and may not hold a leadership position in student media. Editors or managers of campus media are ineligible.
  • An Assistant or Associate Dean of Students appointed by the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students.
  • An Associate Dean of Communications appointed by the Dean of Communications.
  • The Chief Information Officer, or designee.
  • A designee of the Provost/Executive Vice President will serve as Chair, voting only in case of a tie.
  • The Vice President of University Communications, or designee (non-voting member).
  • Coordinator/Director of Student Media (non-voting member)

Policies and Procedures

  • The Media Board holds monthly meetings at a time convenient to members. The Chair may call additional meetings if necessary.
  • The Media Board makes decisions through normal parliamentary procedures by a majority vote of members present. A quorum consists of a majority of the board membership.
  • The Media Board invites advisors and editor/managers of campus media to attend open Media Board meetings.


  • To assist, guide, and encourage in the operation of all University-approved campus media
  • To set policies, approve budgetary requests received from the media and submit annual requests for funds to the University
  • To initiate the process for the creation of any new University-wide student communications medium and to authorize the revision or termination of existing media
  • To appoint the editor/manager and the advisor of any student media, and, if it should become necessary, to censure, suspend, or dismiss the editor/manager or the advisor of any student medium