Residential Living and Learning Advisory Council


Membership List Y28B.  

Areas of Committee Concern

The principle purpose of the Residential Living and Learning Advisory Council is to enrich student learning experiences in residential living and learning communities (LLCs) by linking the residential and academic aspects of students’ experiences.


  • All current LLC faculty advisors
  • Faculty Fellow for the Residential Living and Learning Communities
  • Assistant Dean of Students
  • Associate Director of Residence Life for Community Building
  • Two student members who are current residents from different residential living and learning communities
  • Student Coordinator for LLC program

A quorum includes the faculty fellow for LLCs, the assistant dean of students working with the residential campus initiative or the associate director of residence life, five faculty members and one student

Policies and Procedures

  • The council has two standing Co-Chairs, the Faculty Fellow associated with the LLCs and the Assistant Dean of Students, working with the residential campus initiative.
  • The Chairs schedule council meetings once a month at a time convenient to council members, unless council business necessitates more frequent meetings.
  • The Chairs inform members of meetings at least one week in advance and provide a written agenda and a copy of the minutes of the previous meetings.
  • The Chairs preside at all meetings unless they appoint a proxy.
  • The Chairs appoint another council member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  • All decisions on council business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure and a majority vote of the members present.
  • At least three members and a Chair of the council will meet with the Residential Campus Advisory Committee each semester to discuss the council’s goals and activities for each semester and to review the annual report and recommendations of the council.


  • To consider and make recommendations for developing methods of connecting academic activities and the mission of the University with the residential experience
  • To review and make decisions on new LLC proposals
  • To assist in planning/implementing monthly development lunches for LLC faculty
  • To set standards for LLC designation and to provide feedback on course proposals
  • To foster a creative vision for the LLC program
  • To advise Residence Life on promoting and improving LLCs
  • To provide an interconnected pathway for communication, coordination and innovation among the LLC faculty advisors, academic departments, and campus constituents
  • To design and implement learning outcome strategies for LLCs and to oversee assessment of the LLC program

Methods of Reporting To the Campus Community

The Council Co-Chairs will submit a written annual report to the Provost/Executive Vice President, Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students, and the Residential Campus Advisory Committee.