Humans interact with other humans all the time. At work, these interactions take place with colleagues, peers, managers, and customers; while within geographical living communities these interactions encompass friends, neighbors, and community residents who hail from myriad backgrounds with repertoires of eclectic experiences. These individual differences carry a lot of weight in our lives. If understood and harnessed effectively, these differences benefit us and our relationships, promote creativity, catalyze performance, and enhance learning and growth; but if these differences are misunderstood they can be detrimental to interpersonal relationships, and create divides between people. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to help students understand these differences to successfully navigate amidst diversity. The course is interdisciplinary in nature, and students will be exposed to the literature from the disciplines of management, psychology, and sociology to enhance their knowledge to work effectively within diverse settings. With opportunities to critically think about topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, students will learn to understand and appreciate differences in our workplaces and communities from multiple vantage points and forge a way ahead to becoming better citizens of a global community.


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Open to students in the third or fourth year of study.

Course Types

Core Integrative Seminar

Previous Course Number

COR 362

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