Procedures for Record Keeping

  1. Faculty supervising individual internships must inform their Department Chairs of their intentions to seek annual overload pay or to accrue hours for course release.
  2. Faculty supervising individual internships should document their hours.
  3. Faculty seeking annual overload pay for internship supervision must submit a report of annual internship hours to their Department Chairs by the first day of classes in the spring semester so that overload may be applied to the spring salary.
  4. Faculty seeking a course release for internship supervision must submit a report of their supervision hours to their Department Chairs and work with their Department Chairs to arrange the future course release.
  5. Department Chairs must verify faculty internship hours and make faculty aware of the compensation policy and procedures.
  6. Department Chairs must submit projected overload and course release information to the Dean in a timely fashion to permit salary, schedule, and hiring adjustments.