Curriculum Committees (School and Division-Based)


For procedures, policies, and the names of current members, refer to Curriculum Committee (School and Division-Based) Section.

Defining the Curriculum Committees (School and Division-Based)

  • Three division-based curriculum committees will be created in the College of Arts and Sciences, one each for Fine Arts and Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.
  • School-based curriculum committees will be created for each of the schools (the Love School of Business, the School of Communications, the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, and the School of Health Sciences).

Membership of Curriculum Committees

Membership of each committee will be determined by the school or division in question. In doing so, these guiding principles will be followed:

  • The committee will include the Academic Dean or his/her designee.
  • The committee will consist of at least five elected teaching faculty members.
  • The committee will be chaired by one of the elected representatives.


  • To evaluate proposed additions to or deletions from the curriculum in departments or majors located in their school or division and to report to the University Curriculum Committee recommendations for curricular changes
  • To study and make decisions regarding reportable item changes to the curriculum in departments or majors located in their school or division (reportable items are those that do not impact any student's graduation requirements)
  • Upon the request of any member of the University Curriculum Committee, any decision made by a school- or division-based curriculum committee will be subject to discussion and vote at the next scheduled University Curriculum Committee meeting. In that event, the decision made by the University Curriculum Committee will take precedence.
  • To ensure that proper consultation with the appropriate Deans, Department Chairs, and Curriculum Committee Chairs has occurred on any and all grant proposals that have implications for other divisions, schools, or colleges 
  • To ensure that proper consultation with the appropriate Deans, Department Chairs, and Curriculum Committee Chairs has occurred on any and all curriculum proposals that have implications for other divisions, schools, or colleges