
  • To promote the goals of global education
  • To develop and apply criteria and procedures for reviewing and approving global education program proposals by Elon faculty
  • To work in consultation with faculty and departments on the development of global education courses
  • To review periodically and to make recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee for general curricular changes in the Elon global education program
  • To promote the integration of global education experiences with other components of the academic programs of Elon University
  • To work in collaboration with the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center on developing and conducting assessments to evaluate credit-earning Elon global education courses and programs, including both academic and the development of intercultural competence
  • To work in collaboration with the Isabella Cannon Global Education Center on reviewing and evaluating relevant programmatic aspects of the Elon University global education program
  • To consult with the Dean of Global Studies on the implementation of the Elon global education program