
One Chair:

o The Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Core Curriculum will serve as the chair.
o In the event this person is unavailable, the Executive Director of the Core Curriculum and the Chair of Committee on Committees will jointly determine the appropriate faculty member to serve as chair.
o In order to provide neutral advice and support to faculty proposing courses, the chair will serve in an ex officio non-voting capacity.


Six faculty voting members:

o Voting members will be appointed by Academic Council through the Committee on Committees process.
o Terms for these members are three-years. To ensure membership continuity, terms will be staggered on a three-year cycle with one-third of members’ terms expiring each year. Faculty are eligible for reappointment using the above process for no more than two consecutive terms.
o Collectively, these faculty members’ primary departments should be in at least two of the divisions of the College and two of the Schools. School of Law faculty are ineligible due to their separate curriculum process. Members should have a shared goal of supporting students throughout the undergraduate curriculum.
o At least five of these members must be teaching faculty.
o At least four members’ teaching, service, and/or scholarship should reflect professional interest in diversity, equity and inclusion. Due to the collective expertise important to fulfill the committee’s duty, the Chair of Committee on Committees should consult with the chair of this committee prior to recommending appointments to Academic Council.