

  • Coordinates faculty evaluation process within the school or college
  • Reviews Faculty Members’ Annual Self-Reviews (Unit I)
  • Reviews content and quality of Unit III (Chair evaluations)
  • Conducts annual evaluation (Unit III) of Chairs in his or her school/college
  • Conducts Dean’s Evaluation of the Faculty (Unit V)
  • Receives syllabi for each course taught
  • Receives teaching evaluations for each course
  • Meets formally with appropriate probationary faculty members for mid-point reviews
  • Meets formally with appropriate post probationary faculty members for Long Range Professional Development Reviews
  • Writes appropriate faculty member reviews (Midpoint Reviews and Long Range Professional Development Reviews), submits to Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and sends copy to faculty member and Chair
  • Visits classroom as appropriate
  • Appoints departmental Senior Faculty Review Committee in consultation with the Department Chair
  • Recommends on probationary removal for Continuing Track and Lecture Track faculty to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Discusses status of each faculty member annually with Department Chair
  • Recommends salary increases (with justification) to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Recommends promotion and/or tenure decisions to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Meets with candidates who are not successful in the application for promotion to Senior Lecturer or Professor. After notification of Promotion and Tenure decisions, makes available to any faculty member upon request, through the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, his/her recommendations concerning the faculty member and an explanation of the basis for that recommendation. Also, makes self available upon request to any candidate to discuss the tenure and/or promotion decision concerning the faculty member.