Information for the Academic Standing Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • The University grading system
  • Academic standing decisions pertaining to undergraduate students and programs
  • Academic standards pertaining to undergraduate students and programs
  • Long term effects of academic standards pertaining to changes in the curriculum

Policies and Procedures

  1. The committee elects annually in May its chair from among the full-time teaching faculty members on the committee.
  2. As administrative officer of the committee, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee handles all correspondence and conferences pertaining to committee recommendations and decisions, and convenes the entire committee when necessary as decided in conference with the chair.
  3. The requirements for suspension and probationary status are published in the University Catalog and the Student Handbook. Exceptions to these requirements are based on special circumstances. The committee reviews the list of probation and suspended students at the end of fall, winter, spring, and summer terms, and may review individual appeals at the request of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee.
    • Academic standing requirements are applied to any student who has completed at least 12 semester hours. In order to continue at the University a student must earn a minimum grade point average each semester of 1.0 and at the end of the spring semester have a cumulative GPA of 1.70 for 1-29 semester hours, 1.80 for 30-61 semester hours, 1.90 for 62-95 semester hours, and 2.0 for 96 semester hours or more.
    • Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 are placed on probation. The third consecutive semester on probation will result in suspension. A first suspension is for a minimum of one full semester. A second suspension is normally permanent.
  1. Students may appeal committee recommendations and decisions to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee who, in sensitive cases, will involve other committee members prior to making a decision.
  2. Readmission of students after an academic suspension is handled by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee.

Methods of Reporting to the Campus Community

The committee chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, the Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.