Information for the Post-Probationary Faculty Development Review Support Committee


Areas of Committee Concern

  • Recommending faculty members to receive the competitive support for their rank

Policies and Procedures

  1. The Chair is elected each May by the committee. The Chair assumes duties about June 1 and serves for one year.
  2. The committee meets during Planning week to review procedures, complete any unfinished business, and consider any recommendations relating to the committee's work for the coming academic year.
  3. The committee reviews procedures, criteria, and policies at the first meeting, and any areas of committee concern will be discussed.
  4. Faculty members will be ineligible to be reviewed for competitive faculty supports during the terms of their service on the committee.
  5. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee, makes the faculty applications available to the committee.
  6. Committee meetings are scheduled by the Chair to review the applications.
  7. The committee will first review applications from full professors and will then review the remaining applications.
  8. The Chair informs committee members of meetings in advance and provides a list of applications to be reviewed. The chair also provides a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  9. The Chair presides at all meetings.
  10. The Chair appoints another committee member to record the minutes of each meeting.
  11. All decisions on committee business will be made through normal parliamentary procedure. To receive competitive supports, a faculty application must receive at least 5 affirmative votes.
  12. The Assistant Provost for Scholarship and Creative Activity reports the committee's decisions for faculty support to the appropriate dean, who will notify the faculty and department chairs.
  13. The Chair is responsible for completing all reports of committee business and submitting them to Academic Council at the end of each academic year as necessary.

Methods of Reporting to the Campus Community

The committee chair will submit a written annual report to Academic Council. On matters deemed to be of general concern, Academic Council may request that the committee report directly to the faculty.