COR 4330 Coming Home: the Impact of Studying Abroad

This course encourages and facilitates the in-depth reflection on and analysis of the experience of spending time abroad and then re-entering one's home culture. Students will be asked to contribute to this seminar by presenting appropriate details from their experience(s) abroad and to collaborate with classmates to compare experiences and, by the end of the term, arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the patterns that exist when all classmates experiences are examined as a whole. The unifying concepts that will guide the course include culture, culture shock, reverse culture shock, moral career (in the way sociologist E. Goffman uses this term), ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, self-identity, impression management, and compartmentalization. This course is specifically designed for those Elon students who have spent a semester or winter term abroad. This course is writing intensive. Open to students in the third or fourth year of study.


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Open to students in the third or fourth year of study.

Course Types

Core Interdisciplinary Seminar; IGS: Global Studies Area

Previous Course Number

COR 433

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