Course-Based Internships

Departments, schools and programs are encouraged to offer internships on a course-basis with the faculty sponsor compensated as part of his/her standard teaching load. Actual faculty load for course-based internships is generally determined using the following ranges of internship hours supervised.

10 – 23 hours of student internship = 1 faculty load hour

24 – 35 hours of student internship = 2 faculty load hours

36 – 47 hours of student internship = 3 faculty load hours

48 – 60 hours of student internship = 4 faculty load hour

Schools, departments, and programs using the course-based approach should pay close attention to the quality of the experience for the individual student. As a general rule, 12 students per course is the recommended upper limit for a single faculty supervisor to ensure high quality experiences for all students. Faculty supervising more than 12 students should consult with their Department Chairs to discuss their course and supervision methodology.