All Applicable Processes and Procedures

Title IX

Title IX Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 specifically prohibits sexual harassment, i.e. unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that creates a hostile environment that effectively denies a person equal access to an educational program or activity. These instances of prohibited conduct as applied through the terms above will be addressed through the Title IX Process and Procedure section of this policy.

Title IX applies to sexual harassment that occurs in the following circumstances:

• On-campus,

• An educational program or activity which includes any building owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by Elon University

• Against a person who is located in the U.S.

Sexual Misconduct and Gender-Based Violence

Instances of Sexual Misconduct and Gender-Based Violence that do not fall under the strict regulations under Title IX will be dismissed under Title IX and addressed through the Sexual Misconduct Process and Procedures section of this policy.

Note: Conduct which violates any other University policy may fall under this policy when it is allegedly motivated by actual or perceived sex or gender.

Faculty Handbook

Reports of sexual misconduct or gender-based violence allegedly perpetuated by faculty, that allege behavior outside the scope of federal Title IX regulations, will follow the Faculty Grievance for Discrimination and Harassment process outlined in the Faculty Handbook.

Staff Manual

Reports of sexual misconduct or gender-based violence allegedly perpetuated by staff, that allege behavior outside the scope of federal Title IX regulations, will addressed according to the grievance procedures in the Staff Manual. Note: Where reports outside the scope of federal Title IX regulations are made involving an individual with multiple roles at the Institution (i.e. combination of faculty, staff, or student), the Title IX Coordinator will determine which policy and process apply in conjunction with the Associate Vice-President of Human Resources and communicate the decision with appropriate parties.

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