Supportive and Interim Measures

The Title IX Coordinator (or designee) may enact supportive measures and/or remedies to address the short or long term effects of any prohibited conduct within this policy, and to prevent further harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or other violations of this policy. Supportive measures are available to the complainant and respondent, even if a formal complaint is not filed.  The Title IX Coordinator (or designee), in conjunction with other University offices when needed, will determine necessity and scope of any supportive measure on a case by case basis. Even if neither party requests protective action, the Title IX Coordinator (or designee) may enact supportive measures at their discretion to ensure the safety of any individual, the broader University community, or the integrity of the investigative process. 

Supportive measures can include but are not limited to:

  • Assistance with connection to Counseling Services, the Truitt Center for Religious & Spiritual Life, and medical assistance through Health Services.
  • Access to a confidential support advocate for Complainants.
  • Access to a process advocate.
  • Assistance with connection to emergency rape crisis treatment and emergency medical services.
  • Assistance with changing living arrangements.
  • Assistance with contacting community resources such as the CrossRoads Sexual Assault Response and Resource Center or other support services.
  • Assistance in seeking assistance and/or charges from local law enforcement.
  • Assistance in addressing academic concerns and making reasonable academic adjustments.
  • Creation of and assistance with implementation of an individualized safety plan.
  • Interim University Cease Contact Directive – An issued University Cease Contact Directive mutually prohibits contact between the listed parties, directly or through third parties, regardless of medium, until further directed.
  • Interim Administrative Action – The President, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology, Vice President for Student Life, or persons functioning under their direct authority, may impose Interim Administrative Action when a Respondent is deemed to threaten the health, safety, or well-being of the Complainant or others, including the broader University Community, threatens or impairs the effective functioning of the University, or when a Respondent has been charged with a serious criminal offense. Interim Administrative Actions include, but are not limited to, suspension from the University, removal from University housing, suspension of privileges, restriction of access when on-campus, and other similar measures. Interim Suspensions will be made in conjunction with the Behavioral Intervention Team after an individualized safety and risk analysis. When a Respondent is an employee of the Institution, they may be placed on Administrative Leave.
    • Respondents may appeal an Interim Administrative Action by requesting a prompt meeting (within 15 calendar days) with the Dean of Students (or designee), to review the behavior that forms the basis for Interim Administrative Action and challenge the decision. This meeting may resolve the Interim Administrative Action, but does not serve as a substitute for the processes outlined within this process.


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