Outcomes for Violations

A Respondent found responsible of violating either this policy under either the Title IX or Sexual Misconduct processes will receive Outcomes consistent with the Code of Conduct. Such Outcomes may include the following:

  • Official Warning
  • Cease Contact Directive
  • Mental Health Assessment
  • Educational Outcomes
  • Relocation of University Housing
  • Removal from University Housing
  • Restitution
  • Suspension of Privileges
  • Disciplinary Probation
  • Suspension
  • Permanent Separation
  • Other Outcomes as deemed appropriate by the Title IX Coordinator or Hearing Officer

Outcome parameters:

  • Any person found responsible for violating this Policy as it relates to Non-Consensual Sexual Contact (where no intercourse has occurred) will likely receive an Outcome ranging from disciplinary probation to permanent separation depending on the severity of the incident and previous disciplinary violations. Outcomes may also include a combination of the other options listed above as appropriate.
  • Any person found responsible for violating the policy on Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse will receive a minimum Outcome of suspension from the University. Permanent Separation may be an option depending on the severity of the incident and previous disciplinary violations. Outcomes may also include a combination of the other options listed above as appropriate.
  • Any person found responsible for violating the policy on Sexual Exploitation or Sexual Harassment will likely receive an Outcome ranging from warning to permanent separation, depending on the severity of the incident and previous disciplinary violations. Outcomes may also include a combination of the other options listed above as appropriate.
  • Any person found responsible for violating this Policy as it relates to Relationship or Intimate Partner Violence, or Stalking will likely receive an Outcome ranging from disciplinary probation to permanent separation depending on

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