Clinical Education Phase Testing and Evaluation

  • Please refer to the individual syllabus for a course for more detailed information.
  • The Program uses the same Grade Scale and Grade Points in the Clinical Phase of the Program as in the Didactic Phase.

Grades for SCPEs (clinical rotations) are determined by the End of Rotation exam score (EOR), final Preceptor Evaluation score, and completion of PANCE prep work during the rotation.

  • There is no rounding of grades.
  • End of Rotation Multiple Choice Examinations (EOR)
    • At the end of each rotation, students will complete an end of rotation multiple-choice examination tied to the objectives developed for each rotation that is developed, scored, and distributed by the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA).
    • The EOR exams are a set of objective, standardized evaluations intended to serve as one measure of the medical knowledge students gain during specific supervised clinical practice experiences.
    • The multiple-choice examination will count as 35% of the overall grade for the course. Students who do not achieve at least 70% on their end of rotation exams will be required to remediate. Remediation will be provided under the direction of the Clinical Year Academic Coordinator.
  • Preceptor Evaluations
    • Students will be evaluated by their preceptors at the midpoint and at the end of each rotation. Ideally, the preceptor and student will discuss the evaluations at the time they are completed.
    • The preceptor evaluations measure students’ medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, patient care, management plans, and professionalism.
    • At the mid-point of rotation, the student should discuss performance with the preceptor. The mid-rotation evaluation is expected to be formative, giving students guidance regarding their progress toward completion of the rotation objectives.
    • The end of rotation evaluation will include assessment of the students’ progress in the following areas: basic medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, patient care, and professionalism.
    • The preceptor evaluation will comprise 55% of the final grade for that rotation. The DPAS will not change a clinical preceptor evaluation grade or negotiate evaluation scores with students or clinical preceptors.
  • Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE) preparation
    • Students are required to complete 200 questions and at least 1 Pretest in ROSH from the Core area for each rotation. Completion of these questions (not the score received) will comprise 10% of the student's clinical rotation grade.
    • To receive credit for doing this work, the student will submit all practice questions in ROSH (when your quiz is over, submit results to their platform) for review.
    • See “Best Practices” from ROSH Review video in Moodle.
  • Professionalism
    • Professionalism domains are scored in the final preceptor evaluation by the preceptor.
    • Additional professional behavior information comes from clinical site administrators AND by DPAS (the clinical team and others who are communicating with you).
    • Components of professionalism may include, but are not limited to, those defined by the National Board of Medical Examiners:
      • Adheres to institutional policies and procedures
      • Demonstrates professional behavior
      • Adheres to the appropriate dress code for the clinical setting
      • Admits errors and assumes responsibility
      • Advocates for the individual patient
      • Arrives on time for scheduled activities and appointments
      • Conveys information honestly and tactfully
      • Demonstrates sensitivity to power inequalities in professional relationships
      • Fulfills responsibilities in a timely manner
      • Maintains composure during difficult interactions
      • Maintains thoroughness and attention to detail
      • Modifies behavior based on feedback
      • Requests help when needed
      • Responds promptly to communication requests
      • Acknowledges limits of one's own knowledge
      • Responds receptively to diverse opinions and values
      • Demonstrates humility
      • Maintains the confidentiality of test material
      • Maintains up to date tracking information in Exxat as instructed


  • Clinical education phase students are expected to assume responsibility for their education while on rotation (be self-directed learners).
    • This responsibility includes frequently seeking performance feedback from clinical preceptors throughout the rotation so there are no “surprises” at the end of the rotation. At a minimum, students should sit down with their preceptors midway through each rotation, review their progress, and plan strategies for correcting any identified deficiencies. The end of the rotation is not an appropriate time for you to find out that you have not performed satisfactorily.
    • In kind, a poor EOR exam performance is not an appropriate time to find out you are struggling with concept areas. Students should use EOR performance reports and ROSH Review metrics to direct their study and learning in advance of the EOR.

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