Testing Procedures

  1. End-of-rotation (EOR) exams and other clinical phase evaluation exercises are scheduled well in advance of the testing date.
    1. In the event of illness or personal emergency on the day of an examination, contact the Clinical Education Director by phone. If you have not communicated directly with the Clinical Year Academic Coordinator, you have not been excused from the EOR exam. Other faculty and clerical staff cannot excuse you from your exams. Documentation of the reasons for an excused absence must be provided in all cases before exams will be rescheduled.
    2. Unexcused absences from EOR exams may result in a failing grade for the rotation. As mentioned previously, unexcused absences may result in a hearing before the Academic and Professional Progress Committee (APPC).
  2. The EOR exams will take place in the Francis Center unless otherwise directed.
    1. Once the exam has begun, the proctor will not answer any questions. Students should remain in their seats at all times until they have finished the examination. Students may be excused during the examination one at a time in order to use the restroom.
    2. Do not communicate with other students during exams or do anything that could be construed as cheating or in violation of the Elon Honor Code.

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