End of Rotation Exam and Remediation Policies

Students who earn less than 70% on an EOR exam will be given a written Warning, will complete a remediation activity, and then will take a 2nd EOR exam.  The timing will be determined at the discretion of the Director of Clinical Education and Clinical Year Academic Coordinator (CYAC).  The process of remediation will consist of thoughtfully completing the EOR Remediation Plan found in the appendices of this manual and will be overseen by the CYAC.  The highest grade allowed on the second attempt will be 70%.  If a student earns less than 70% on the 2nd attempt, then the student will meet with the APPC Committee to determine corrective action.  See above for responsibilities of APPC.   Any student who earns less than 70% on a 2nd EOR exam will be placed on academic probation, and the same remediation procedure will be followed.  Any student who earns < 70% on an 3rd EOR exam will be subject to dismissal.

Students who earn a grade of “U” for any course in the program or whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00 at any academic checkpoint (the end of Spring, Summer II, and Fall II modules, the 3rd Clinical Rotation, and the end of the Program) will be placed on academic probation.  A student earning a course grade of “U” during the clinical education phase must consult the CYAC for a plan to remediate the course for the purpose of closing gaps in the student’s fund of knowledge. The student should schedule an appointment with the CYAC as soon as possible after receiving notification of the failing grade. The CYAC will develop an individualized remediation plan (including a timeline for completion, expectations, assessment strategies, etc.) based on his/her assessment of the student’s knowledge deficits and in consultation with the student. Other Clinical Education Team members may also be consulted for their input. The remediation plan must be reviewed and approved by the DPAS Academic and Professional Progress Committee. A student placed on probation will receive a letter from the Program Director outlining the reason for and conditions of probation and the steps necessary to return to good academic standing, which may extend their time to complete the Program.  A student who remediates a course may not earn higher than a “C”. A student who fails to achieve a grade of “C” in a remediated course will be considered for dismissal from the program.

Additionally, any student who earns one “C” letter grade (<79.5) during the clinical education phase will be given a written academic warning.  Any student who earns two “C” letter grades will be reviewed by the DPAS Academic and Professional Progress Committee (APPC) and will be placed on academic probation.  Any student who earns three “C” letter grades (<79.5) during the clinical education phase will be subject to dismissal. See above for the role of APPC.

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