Academic and Professional Progress

A student’s progress through the Program is based upon successful demonstration of expected competencies and professional behaviors and attitudes. At the completion of the Spring, Summer II and Fall II modules of the didactic phase, the 3rd rotation of the clinical phase, and the end of the Program, the DPAS Academic and Professional Progress Committee (APPC) will review each student’s demonstration of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and professional comportment necessary to progress to the next module and will make a decision regarding progression.  The APPC is made of the program faculty, including the Director of Curriculum and Instruction and the Director of Clinical Education.  A student whose cumulative GPA is less than 3.00 at any of the academic checkpoints listed above will be placed on Academic Probation.  The student must raise their cumulative GPA to greater than or equal to 3.00 before the subsequent checkpoint, or that student will be subject to dismissal.  In the execution of this policy, there is no formal or written Warning alert given prior to the Probation determination.


The DPAS Academic & Professional Progress Committee functions to uphold the academic, clinical education and professional conduct policies of the Elon University Department of Physician Assistant Studies, including the program's Technical Standards. The committee approves students for advancement within the professional component of the curriculum and reviews the academic records of each student on a regular basis. In addition, the committee notes any exceptional or concerning professional behaviors including, but not limited to, those defined by the Department of Physician Assistant Studies as the Assessment of Professional Behaviors:


  1. Adheres to institutional policies and procedures
  2. Admits errors and assumes responsibility
  3. Advocates for the individual patient
  4. Arrives on time and prepared for scheduled activities and appointments
  5. Conveys information honestly and tactfully
  6. Demonstrates sensitivity to power inequalities in professional relationships
  7. Fulfills responsibilities, obligations, and commitments in a timely manner
  8. Maintains personal control and composure during difficult interactions
  9. Constructively approaches conflict resolution
  10. Maintains thoroughness and attention to detail
  11. Actively solicits and incorporates feedback
  12. Modifies behavior based on feedback in a timely manner
  13. Requests help when needed
  14. Takes initiative, perseveres, and prioritizes time effectively
  15. Responds promptly to communication requests
  16. Demonstrates respect for peers, professors, patients and their families, and clinical setting colleagues and supervisors in all specialties, disciplines, and professions
  17. Acknowledges limits of one's own knowledge
  18. Demonstrates sensitivity and responds receptively to diverse opinions and values
  19. Demonstrates humility
  20. Maintains the confidentiality of test material


Positive and negative feedback regarding academic progress and professional comportment are reported to the advisor or APPC Chair to aid in the professional development of individual students. The student advisor or APPC Chair may discuss and document feedback with the student prior to an APPC meeting. Persistent or extreme negative professional behaviors may result in a meeting with the APPC, professional probation, or failure to progress/be promoted. The committee reviews petitions for special consideration and hears student appeals. In special instances, the APPC may be convened at other than scheduled times to consider cases of unusual circumstances, such as those involving probation or dismissal. A student who is requested to appear before the APPC could be at academic, clinical, or professional risk of program completion.

See also:Academic and Professional Progression Through the Clinical Year

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