Summative Assessments

As part of the assessment process of academic year and clinical education phases, PA students will complete “summative” examinations as part of their overall academic and professional assessment to determine readiness to be promoted to either the clinical education phase or graduation as appropriate.


End of Academic Year: During the latter part of the Clinical Phase Preparation course, academic year students will take the Physician Assistant Clinical Knowledge Rating and Assessment Tool (PACKRAT) examination (written, multiple choice) and complete two objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs) (practical exams). The PACKRAT is used only as a student self-assessment tool (meaning there is no course grade attached to it). Academic year students should see the PACKRAT as a way to identify strengths and areas of concern as they prepare to enter the clinical phase. They will receive feedback on their individual performance as well as information about how their class performance compares to other program students nationally at a similar level of education. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisors to discuss their performance and any areas of concern. Any students wishing to repeat a PACKRAT must do so at their own expense.


The OSCE examinations will be graded pass/fail. Students must receive a satisfactory score on the rubric on each of the OSCEs to receive a “pass” grade.  More details will be provided at the time of the assessment.  Failure to achieve a “pass” on either of the OSCE examinations will result in the student being required to meet with his/her academic advisor to identify area(s) of weakness, determine a plan for remediation, and retake any failed activities and receive a “pass” score by the end of the final academic year module. A second failure will result in a referral to the APPC committee where students will be subject to academic warning or probation.


End of Curriculum: Near the end of the clinical education phase, students will complete an end of curriculum summative multiple-choice examination and two OSCEs as part of their Clinical Year Seminar II course. This is known as “The Summative Exam” that assesses the ability of every student to meet Elon PA Program outcomes at the time of graduation. Both the end of curriculum summative examination and the OSCE examinations will be graded pass/fail. Clinical education phase students must pass the PAEA End of Curriculum and the OSCEs. Failure to achieve a “pass” on any of the examinations will result in the student being required to meet with their clinical education phase advisor to identify area(s) of weakness, to determine a plan for remediation, and to retake any failed activities and receive a “pass” score by the program completion date. A second failure on any examination(s) will result in referral to the APPC committee where students will be subject to academic probation and/or dismissal from the Program. This remedial process will delay graduation.


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