Communication Expectations

Phone - The phone number for the DPAS is (336) 278-6535. The fax number is (336) 278-2898.


E-Mail - Email is the regular means of written communication for Elon faculty, staff, and students.  Each student will be assigned an e-mail account and will be instructed in its use during orientation. A listserv will be developed for each class. The listserv address for all members of the class will be formatted as follows: "pa[class year]" (e.g. the listserv for the Class of 1492 would be E-mail accounts are automatically created for new students. If you have any questions concerning your e-mail account, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 336-278-5200. The Elon e-mail account is the only electronic mailing address recognized by the university. Students are expected to check their Elon e-mail accounts regularly and will be responsible for communications sent to their Elon e-mail address.  The university and its employees are not responsible for forwarding e-mail to students at personal e-mail accounts. Not receiving a communication due to a faulty e-mail address is not an excuse for failing to complete a course or programmatic requirement.  Any reference in DPAS policies or procedures to "written notice" may be satisfied by e-mail communication to the student's Elon e-mail account.

Expectations for email:

  1. Faculty and staff business hours are Monday-Friday 8am -5pm. Students can expect an email response within 2 BUSINESS days.
  2. Likewise, students should be mindful of communications from DPAS faculty and staff, returning communications as soon as possible, within 2 business days.

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