Exam Review

Every Wednesday from 12-12:30pm, the program will host an exam review.  The purpose of an exam review is to allow every student to review concepts missed in their recent exams. The purpose is NOT to have a discourse (between students or students and faculty) over details of exam items.


Sharing information about the exam with people who are present or with people who are not present is considered a violation of academic integrity and will result in professional sanction.  

The review will happen EVERY WEDNESDAY in Room 131 unless otherwise announced. The review will include exams that have been completed by ALL learners in the PRIOR 7 days. If the exam included a hand-graded component (that may take longer than 2 days to grade), then that exam may be held over to the next week for review.  No phones, paper, pencils, food, drink, etc. are allowed to enter with the student (only the student and their device).  If a student wants to participate, they must be present at 12 noon. At 12 noon, the doors will be shut, and no one will be allowed entry to the room. Students cannot re-schedule a review outside of this held time (no make-ups).  The review period will be 10 minutes per exam (30 minutes maximum per Wednesday).  Students may NOT ask questions about the exam or for assistance interpreting exam items. If a student continues to have concerns after an exam review, they should consider completing an item appeal following the procedures in the course syllabus and/or scheduling a 1:1 discussion with an instructor to understand how they are missing concepts.

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