Procedure for Appealing a Course Grade

As noted elsewhere in this Handbook, all Elon PA students are subject to Elon's Honor System, including the Honor Code. Grades given by an instructor after the student is found responsible for an academic Honor Code violation through the University Honor System may not be appealed.


Students may appeal a course grade within the Department of Physician Assistant Studies if a compelling reason exists.  The procedure for such appeals is as follows:


If a student believes an error has been made regarding a course grade, they should contact the faculty course director within one week of the grade being posted to set up a meeting to discuss the grade. As it is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate that the appeal has merit, the student should bring to the meeting any work from the course that the student has in their possession for the professor to review. At the meeting, the professor will:


  1. Review any work the student brings to discuss
  2. Show the student any of the student’s work that remains in the professor’s possession (e.g., papers, examinations, etc.)
  3. Explain how the student’s grade was determined based on the standards set forth at the beginning of the course and in the course syllabus
  4. Recalculate the numerical computation of the grade to determine if there has been a clerical error


If the student wishes to continue the appeal following this meeting, he or she must file a written appeal with the Program Director within one week of the meeting. If the Program Director is the professor involved, the written appeal will go to the Dean of the School of Health Sciences/Designee.


The student will submit to the Program Director the Student Grade Appeal Statement form together with copies of the course syllabus, tests, assignments, and papers in the student‘s possession. The Program Director will notify the professor involved, and the professor will file the Professor Grade Appeal Statement form with the Program Director within one week together with copies of the syllabus, assignments, and any of the student‘s work that remain in the professor‘s possession. The Program Director, following consultation with the Dean/Designee, will render a decision in writing regarding the grade appeal within one week.  The Program Director's decision shall be final.

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