
A student earning a grade of “U” on an examination or assessment activity must consult the course director for a plan to informally remediate the content of the assessment for the purpose of closing gaps in the student’s fund of knowledge. The student should schedule an appointment with the course director as soon as possible after receiving notification of the failing grade. The course director will assist the student in developing an individualized informal remediation plan (including a timeline for completion, expectations, assessment strategies, etc.) based on their assessment of the student’s knowledge deficits and in consultation with the student. Other faculty teaching in the course also may be consulted for their input. Informal remediation plans are at the discretion of the course director.  No retakes of exams/assessments are permitted for higher grades, and successful remediation of a didactic assessment activity does not change the recorded grade of that activity.


Students who earn a grade of “U” in a course will be placed on Academic Probation, and their performance will be reviewed by the DPAS Academic and Professional Progress Committee (APPC).  A formal remediation plan will be developed for the learner with the input of the course instructor/director and faculty. The formal remediation plan must be reviewed and approved by the APPC. Upon completion of successful remediation, the course grade of “U” may be replaced with a “C” to allow the student to continue in the program. A student who fails to complete the agreed-upon remediation or fails to achieve a grade of “C” on a remediated assessment will be referred to the APPC Committee for consideration of dismissal.  Additional course grades of “U” place the student at consideration for dismissal.


Example of informal remediation process:

  • Student scores <70 on an exam
  • Student meets with course director and reviews missed questions
    • The course director explores the learning deficit and provides a plan for informal remediation based on need (example: a written assignment, narrative, drawing, etc.)
    • Deadline is mutually determined
  • Student goes home and produces handwritten document by required deadline
  • The course director reviews document for correctness and provides feedback—including a decision on if the gap is met or unmet
  • Document is scanned into the student’s eDocs (student file)

See End of Rotation Exam and Remediation for additional information about how this policy is enacted in the clinical year.

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