Suspension (Summary or as Imposed Sanction)

Each student is expected to govern his/her conduct with concern for other individuals and for the entire university community. Actions that threaten or endanger, in any way, the personal safety and/or well-being of others, or which disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the university are cause for immediate disciplinary action. Either the President, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of the School of Health Sciences, DPAS chair, or University Administrative designee has the authority to summarily suspend a student when, in the opinion of the President, Provost, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of the School of Health Sciences or DPAS Chair, such action is appropriate to protect the health or safety of any individual, or to preserve the orderly operation of the university. When a student is summarily suspended, the student shall be informed, in writing, of the specific charges on which such suspension is based. Such notice shall be delivered personally to the student, and/or delivered to the student's Elon email account, within forty- eight (48) hours of the imposition of the suspension.


 Such conduct by a student shall be considered a violation of the standards of academic and professional conduct and suspected violations - whether or not they have resulted in a summary suspension - will be handled by the procedures outlined under Violations of Standards of Academic or Professional Conduct section of the DPAS Student Handbook.


If a student is suspended for any reason, all student financial aid will be withheld until the appeal process is resolved by reinstatement of the student or dismissal of the student. If reinstated, the financial aid funds can be released to the student. If the student is dismissed, the funds will be returned to the proper agency/lender respectively.

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