COR 3540 The Moral Limits of Markets

What makes a good society? To answer the question, you must bring in ideas from religion, the fine arts, history, and science. In other words, you must put together what you learned during the Elon Core experience and use it to add your own arguments about what makes a good society.  In this course, you will tackle a specific contested issue that we face in market economies --- whether limits should be placed on the use of certain settings where people buy and sell things.  On the one hand, some argue that markets create the wealth and prosperity needed for a good society.  From such a view, you might be wary of placing any limits on the use of markets.  On the other hand, you might be concerned that buying and selling certain things harms society. This view demands limits on what can be bought and sold. The debate about the role and reach of markets continues today and some civic commentators insist that we need you to start new conversations. Let's begin the journey.


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Open to students in the third or fourth year of study.

Course Types

Core Integrative Seminar

Previous Course Number

COR 354

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