POL 3301 Middle East Issues in Films

This course explores the Middle East through internationally acclaimed films that are directed by the filmmakers from the Middle East and North Africa -mostly, from Iran, Israel, Turkey, and the predominantly Arab countries, and from minority groups in the region (e.g. the Kurds). These movies showcase the various political, economic, ethnic, gender, religious contexts of the region, and serve as a point of departure to understand the contemporary Middle East. The class follows a selection of modules ("topics") such as a historical background to the region, Israel/Palestine, identities (ethnicities, gender, and religious), and social mobilization/protests.


4 sh

Course Types

Society; Advanced Studies


  • Winter
  • Summer

  1. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:
    - engage in a critical analysis of the Middle East’s socio-political issues,
    - demonstrate an understanding of the complexities of the Middle East beyond the commonplace portrayals in popular media,
    - critically assess and use films as sources of information in analyzing the Middle East (and beyond),
    - integrate scholarly literature in understanding films about socio-political issues in the Middle East.

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